Advantages of Hiring a Bicycle Accident Injury Lawyer

A bicycle accident can be a devastating experience. A serious crash can result in severe injuries and months of rehabilitation, as well as expensive medical bills. If you’re unable to work and are experiencing significant pain and suffering, it’s important that you have an experienced attorney on your side who can advocate for the amount of compensation you deserve.

A skilled New York City bicycle injury lawyer can help you determine who was liable for your accident. You may be able to file an insurance claim with the driver who hit you or, if the driver has no liability insurance or insufficient insurance coverage, you can sue him or her directly.

If you aren’t sure whether the driver who hit you was at fault for your accident, or if the accident was caused by a dangerous roadway or civil engineering failure, your lawyer can conduct an investigation to find out. They can also help you recover damages for any property damage you suffered.

It’s essential that you hire an attorney as soon as possible after your accident. You may only have three years to file a personal injury lawsuit in New York – and if you wait too long, evidence can disappear or witnesses might forget what they saw. An experienced attorney will be able to quickly and efficiently gather all of the necessary information for your case and file it before the deadline.

Another advantage of having a bicycle accident injury lawyer is that they can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to obtain a fair settlement. The insurance company is a for-profit business that has a financial incentive to deny or reduce your claims. Your lawyer will have the skills and knowledge to counter lowball offers and to fight for a fair settlement that accounts for all of your losses, including medical bills, lost income, property damage, pain and suffering, and emotional distress.

Your lawyer can also advise you about pursuing an out-of-court settlement rather than a trial. In general, an out-of-court settlement is quicker and less costly than taking your case to court. It’s also possible that the at-fault party might agree to a higher settlement amount if they see that you have a knowledgeable and aggressive attorney representing you.

Lastly, a bicycle accident injury lawyer can help you understand the different types of compensation you may be entitled to for your losses and injuries. They can advise you on the best way to calculate your losses, such as the cost of your medical treatment, lost earnings and any future expenses that you might incur. They can also assist you with filing a claim against a government entity, such as the police department or a private road maintenance company, for negligence.

When you’re looking for a bicycle accident injury lawyer, make an appointment to meet with several candidates. It’s important to get a feel for the personalities of the lawyers, how comfortable you are with them and their level of expertise in this area of the law.